Jul 7, 2011

this day in July

I've been preparing my move to a new studio.  
It will be in Boerum Hill Brooklyn or I should say Bococa (I can't get used to this name), and I'm thinking of having a small showcase space there for customers can walk in.

It's exciting, but at the same time I'm a bit scared to make this step.  
I try to think of happy things such as new interior with old furniture, having more engagement rings there, and a girl I'm working with at this new space.

My father's birthday has been passed.  

I happened to see his handwriting in my address book the other day, and I decided to pretend that I didn't see it.  
I still can't get that there is a trail of his life in this world but he is not here anymore.  Sometimes I wonder if there is a remaining piece of his soul in the air and it makes me cry. 

My sister says she sometimes feels his presence at her place in Kyoto, but he hasn't come to my apartment in NY. 

It's heartbreaking to see someone loses his/her parent.  I truly felt grateful for what people said to me when I lost my father.  And now I don't know what to say, and if I say something I always feel regret for what I said.

1 comment:

Particulars said...

Hi Yayoi!
1. It must be exciting to have a new space and a place for customers to see your jewelry!
2. There is nothing wrong with missing someone you love who is no longer here. In a number of ways, the presence of your father is still here through your life - he is a part of you.



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