Sep 18, 2009

interview with Japion

I have been working for another tradeshow.
I made really a lot of new collections this summer.
Hope you will have a chance to look at them at stores in your area.

The other day, I was interviewed by Japanese newspaper, Japion.
This series of column is titled "beauty expert", and I did not have any nice beauty tips for them.
I felt sorry for the writer. (She was very nice, cool lady!)
Everyday I just wear sunscreen and mascara, and that works fine for me.

It's written in Japanese, here is a link of the column.

Sep 10, 2009

three-hour vacation

Finally, my first visit to the beach in this summer.
Stayed there for three hours and came back to my studio for more work.

Now I know that I could have done this more often if I tried harder.
You can drive to a beach within one hour if you live in New York.
Well I shouldn't be sad, I can do that in next summer.

With many shiny dead jelly fish on the beach and dresses that I could not wear this summer,
I have to say good-bye to this summer.

Sep 3, 2009

dog driver

The dog in the picture was listening to rock music in the car. Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Sep 2, 2009

beautiful boxes

Stunning art on white jewelry boxes are done by my friend, Jovana's brother.


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