Sep 15, 2012

Thunder Love

So now I am with this baby boy who is three week old.
I call him Thunder.
In fact we gave him a Japanese name with chinese characters meaning "thunder" and "express".

He surprised us and doctors with his 10 pound size when he came. 
None of us didn't know that he became that big.

I was thunder-shocked by not only his size but also his thick hair outside of his ears.  

The day we first took him to a pediatrician at his day 5, thunder and rain welcomed us.

One thing that surprised me.
For the first time in my life, I wanted to be a housewife for Thunder. 
One day I wondered if I could bake him nice warm carrot cakes in the future if I kept working like this.
That thought made me cry at day 7.

Now I'm listening Thunder Love by Little Dragon at my jewelry studio.
I think he will get used to the fact that he has a hard working mom. 


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