Apr 1, 2010

my previous life as a kitty

Every April Fool's Day, my sister play harmless (I hope) jokes.  And I fall for it every year.

One time, she called me at night and said "You have to check this out now, there is the biggest shooting star in the history!"

I ran out from my apartment barefoot.  I was saying to my sister, "I still can't find the shooting star.  Damn, I haven't watched TV for a while, I didn't know such a big astronomical phenomenon until now!"

Every year, I forget that today is the April Fool's Day.
Because my sister is the only one who still do jokes on that day.

She emailed me today saying "I went to see a psychic and she told me you were hello-kitty in your previous life."
For the first time, I found that today was April Fool's Day before I fell for it (who would?).
It was the easiest one ever!

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