Mar 17, 2012

traveling jewelry

I was complaining to my friend that I was always passing the same scenery everyday; between my home and my studio, between my studio and NY diamond district in midtown. 

She emailed me the other day "But your jewelry are watching everywhere in the world."  There was a sweet photo attached.  The three ring sisters were in New Jersey by the way.

Where are you taking Yayoi Forest jewelry today?

Mar 1, 2012

after the show

New York fashion week is over, and my show is done also.
I do trade shows twice a year for Spring and Fall seasons.  Designers like me take orders from retail buyers at those shows.  

I'm just so relieved it's over now and I completed my collections on time.
There is a story called The Grateful Crane in Japan.  An old man saved a crane from a trap.  The crane appeared as a beautiful lady one day and she uses her feathers to make a cloth for him.

When I am making collections, I feel like I am using my feathers to make jewelry.  It's like you devote all your life and energy into it.  

I wonder how other designers feel like when they are building their collections...


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