May your home be filled with the joy of family and friends this holiday season.
Dec 24, 2009
Dec 20, 2009
egg custard
We started going to Chinatown once a week lately. After shopping at a Chinese supermarket, we go for those Egg Custards and a cup of coffee. They are so good when they are still warm. Not all egg custards are the same, you have to come this place and pick only Macau style Egg Custards..
Double Crispy Bakery 230 Grand St. (near cross section of Grand and Bowery)
Dec 17, 2009
the tree
Every year, I see a Christmas tree at Rockfeller Center.
Jewelry District where I buy findings and tools is just one block away from here.
In the past few years when I saw the tree, I always thought of my family.
Two years ago, I took a photo of a x'mas tree with my phone and emailed it to my family.
Last year, I thought of my father who was getting weak everyday at a hospice and I felt guilty to be there in front of festive people taking pictures of the tree.
This year, we are going to spend our first x'mas without our father.
In front of the tree, I suddenly remembered how he smiled when I came home in Japan, and how he yelled at us at a quiet hospital in Kyoto.
I sometimes feel like I am walking on very soft cloud.
It's surreal that I live in New York, and my father is gone.
I love Christmas decorations in town, but it somehow makes me sentimental.
Dec 13, 2009
I love to shop at Anthropologie. One day I found "Kamenoko-Tawashi" at Anthro. It was the most unexpected thing to see at Anthro for me.
Tawashi is the oldest scrubber in Japan, made of a palm tree. This brand name "Kamenoko" (meaning Kid-Turtoise) came from the shape of a brush. I've never known how much they were, because every household has one naturally and it lasts like forever. I had never needed to buy one after my mom gave me one.
I saw this Tawashi at Anthro with $1.95 for sale. I should save this Kid-Turtoise. Now he is working at our kitchen.
They get more creative now, check Kamenoko's website for those beautiful brushes.
On the way to stop by Catbird, I saw about 50 Santas browsing around in Williamsburg, then drove to Manhattan and I saw even more... hundreds of Santas.
Was there a meeting for Santas from the world yesterday?
Dec 5, 2009
after turkey, before holiday
Additional collections are added today!
Thanks for coming to the genart event the other day.
I was very impressed the fact that people knew about my line and they also checked my website.
I thought only my friends were checking my blog.
I feel very heavy (myself) after Thanksgiving, but I'm still hungry for inspiration.
In case I have time in the weekend, I hope to check Tim Burton's exhibition at MOMA., and Art of Samurai at MET.
Have a nice weekend!
Nov 29, 2009
indie wedding planning
My Melting Love Ring and Seven Diamond Ring are featured at EAST SIDE BRIDE - indie wedding planning and living as wedding/engagement rings for non-traditional girls.
Lovely jewelry store, catbird in Brooklyn has both rings. Catbird carries hard-to-find local Brooklyn designer jewelry. This is one of the stores that I encourage my Japanese friends to visit when they are staying in NY. Check it out when you come down to Brooklyn!
Nov 25, 2009
holiday sample sale event
With other 50+ emerging designers, I will be at Gen art SHOP NYC sample sale event.
There will be accessory, mens/womenswear and jewelry designers with special sample sale priced merchandises.
I will bring a lot of past samples and discontinued items, some of them are one-of-a-kind pieces!
You will enjoy complimentary cocktails and gifts/samples at the party.
Please see below for details.
If you would like to be invited, please email me your first/last name and email address.
I can put about ten more people in my invitation list and you won't have to pay $15-$40 entrance fee.
There will be accessory, mens/womenswear and jewelry designers with special sample sale priced merchandises.
I will bring a lot of past samples and discontinued items, some of them are one-of-a-kind pieces!
You will enjoy complimentary cocktails and gifts/samples at the party.
Please see below for details.
If you would like to be invited, please email me your first/last name and email address.
I can put about ten more people in my invitation list and you won't have to pay $15-$40 entrance fee.
I hope you will enjoy holiday shopping there.
Shop NYC: General Admission
Dec 2nd 7:00 - 10:00pm
*Beer and Wine provided by Menage e Trios and Radeberger Pilsner
(does not include admission to awards presentation)
Dec 2nd 7:00 - 10:00pm
*Beer and Wine provided by Menage e Trios and Radeberger Pilsner
(does not include admission to awards presentation)
"7W " 7 West 34th Street
"7W " 7 West 34th Street
(@ corner of 5th Avenue)
Nov 16, 2009
Nov 11, 2009
Herkimer Diamond

It was a long journey for me to find good quality Herkimers. The original stone dealer that I have purchased Herkimers from told me that they wouldn't have those in that quality anymore.
And I went to many stone companies to search for Herkimers.

After a few weeks, I found those at the original stone dealer's place again.
I was happy to catch them before they had gone.
It's amazing that those shapes are created naturally. They sparkle beautifully.
Below is a picture of Herkimer Diamonds in a rock. It makes me feel warm like seeing new born babies.
They all come from Herkimer, New York, and I make the necklaces by my hands in New York.
If you would like something one of a kind and made in NY, this is the one.

Nov 10, 2009
spoon as a lucky charm

I thought it was a universal lucky charm, but I didn't find this in my favorite book "LUCK essential guide" though they even cover "the golden poo" as a lucky charm in their book.
(Golden poo is a lucky charm for making money in Japan, I will explain why when I actually make a golden poo jewelry..if it happens.)
Anyway, I myself love this spoon bracelet in the picture.
When I was working at an advertising agency I used to wear my lucky necklace upon a presentation to a client.
Now I would give this bracelet to someone wishing a good luck with her initials.
That's the way of saying I am here for you.
Nov 1, 2009
halloween horror night
Happy Halloween!
Today I met seven European police officers in the elevator of my apartment.
To celebrate our halloween spirit we saw one of my favorite movie, the Shining.
I think this movie is so beautiful with heavy usage of symmetrical views, but not only that I love what the stylist did for Wendy's outfits.
Her outfits are actually very chic and never go outdated.
I would wear them now, even after almost 30 years since the movie was released.
I hope you will have a fun weekend.
Remember, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

Oct 27, 2009
japanese online store

Their website is so cute, they have my brand bio and behind story of jewelry items.
If you read Japanese, please check it out!
Oct 26, 2009
jewelers' season

The air smelled so nice, it was a perfect autumn day.
We took our regular route in Williamsburg, starting from Catbird - bookstore where a cute black cat always sleeps - Vintage store - Vietnamese sandwich and Vietnamese hot coffee - surf shop (this one for my husband).
The busiest season for jewelers is coming.
This holiday, there will be a lot of new stores carrying Yayoi Forest jewelry.
I have been preparing orders to those stores, hope you will meet my new pieces in person at the stores.
Oct 13, 2009
My very first newsletter is sent out today.
If you are also interested in receiving newsletters for new pieces, promotions, and events, join our list!
Oct 12, 2009
Oct 5, 2009
letter in the bottle

I was about six and I was scared of what I imagined of the sea - it must be so deep and I won't be able to come back to the surface once I jumped from the ship.
I still remember the day, the purse was going down to deep green water. I felt it took so long for the purse to reach splashing waves.
At the same time I was so scared, I was so sorry for my sister who was just looking down the sea and she happened to release her hands from a handle of a Snoopy bag.
However when our other grandmother gave her some money to buy a new bag, I thought it's just unfair.
Anyway, one thing I always wanted to try is to send a message bottle via sea. It's romantic and thrilling that some day someone far away would find it and read the letter.
I may do that for my mother in Japan, though it would be delivered via airmail.
Sep 18, 2009
interview with Japion

I made really a lot of new collections this summer.
Hope you will have a chance to look at them at stores in your area.
The other day, I was interviewed by Japanese newspaper, Japion.
This series of column is titled "beauty expert", and I did not have any nice beauty tips for them.
I felt sorry for the writer. (She was very nice, cool lady!)
Everyday I just wear sunscreen and mascara, and that works fine for me.
It's written in Japanese, here is a link of the column.
Sep 10, 2009
three-hour vacation
Stayed there for three hours and came back to my studio for more work.
Now I know that I could have done this more often if I tried harder.
You can drive to a beach within one hour if you live in New York.
Well I shouldn't be sad, I can do that in next summer.
With many shiny dead jelly fish on the beach and dresses that I could not wear this summer,
I have to say good-bye to this summer.
Sep 3, 2009
Sep 2, 2009
Aug 29, 2009
hawaii and my father
During a trade show in August, one of many nice things that happened to me was a store in Hawaii had ordered my jewelry.
I have been in love with Hawaii after I visited there with my mother and my sister.
My father was very busy for his work then, and he basically hated a trip.
It's not only about beaches, I like how different culture had met there and created one new scene, I like healing but strong hula dance, and I like their original beautiful language.
I remembered that after my father found that he had cancer he wanted to come to Hawaii with us just to experience the United State (he was already too weak to fly to far NY, but he wanted to see how I lived in the states).
He was never able to do that. I said "Can't believe he has gone, it was just months ago when he said he wanted to go Hawaii" and I almost cried right after I said. That surprised me.
Beautiful Hawaii, I hope to visit there again soon.
Aug 26, 2009
I have done two shows this month.
I would never know about trade shows if one of store owners didn't suggest me to do it after she purchased my collections several times. I think I started doing those shows 2003 or 2004.
Until then I was just making appointments with store owners in New York, and brought all my jewelry to their stores.
I even went to stores without appointments and walked in the store hoping an owner would notice my necklace and then I could say "Oh you like this? Would you like to see my line sheets that I happen to have right now?"
It's so nice to see buyers from all over the world at the show.
Whenever buyers say "they are so beautiful" it makes my heart throb still now.
Aug 8, 2009
command + z in my head

A stone setter once told me "You will never know what will happen to your jewelry until you finish making the piece"
That's very true.
I think most of jewelers try to finish a piece way before the due to avoid the worst case.
I have seen enough people crying over a ruined piece in their hands before.
Once a year, I scream at my studio "command Z!!" holding my jewelry.
I wish I can "undo" the things in our real lives.
between two shows
Really want to go to beach at least once during the summer! Mother, I am working very hard everyday.
Jul 23, 2009
TV and
Just keep building collections everyday for upcoming shows.
Have been away from the world and TV, I didn't know that the 'Naked Cowboy' is running for mayor of New York City until now.
Jul 18, 2009
Jul 10, 2009
yoga in bryant park
This is the month that I really have to work on my new collections for upcoming trade shows.
After working hard today, I stopped by Bryant Park to take a Yoga class at 6:00 pm.
Did you know that during a summer, you can take Yoga classes for free, with great Yoga teachers, on the lawn in Bryant Park?
I always wanted to do Yoga under the sun. Looking up the blue sky where a plane's drawing a white contrail, it was just amazing. I still feel refreshed in body and spirit.
I thank for this beautiful event, oh it's great to live in New York!
If you are interested, check the link out Yoga in Bryant Park.
Jul 4, 2009
vinegar hill

I have been obsessed with rice vinegar since I was a child by the way. I used to drink a small glass of vinegar as a kid, I hope it didn't do anything bad to my health.
Anyway, just because of the name I was always curious about Vinegar Hill area. I imagined that there was a vinegar factory in this area before, but it turned out that Vinegar Hill was the site of a battle in the Irish rebellion of 1798, and this area was named after it to attract Irish immigrants.
So many people have been writing about this restaurant already everywhere, and I may not need to say anything but it was a really really good restaurant. People working there look happy, and their food makes us happy, too. It's always the greatest thing to see people are proud of what they are doing.
Just thinking of what food I should have next time at this restaurant makes me smile.
Jul 2, 2009
Jun 27, 2009
If you wish to receive Yayoi Forest newsletters for upcoming promotions and new collections, please click the link to signup. Thanks!
plastic dreams

I have an excuse. They are so beautiful, I can call them art.
Their shiny surface, simplicity of using just one material for the entire shoe is very unique. And, collaboration with other great artists/designers such as Vivian Westwood and Zaha Hadid lifts her world to infinity.
My husband says that he wants to see the shoes in the picture, he has a great respect for Zaha Hadid who designed the pair for a special project.
I don't know if I can find them in the sample sale, but I could use that as another excuse to buy another pair...
Jun 22, 2009
hair sticks
When I was cleaning my room today, I found two Japanese hair sticks that I wore at my wedding.
I bought them in Kyoto.
When I close my eyes, I still see the old, small store with an old lady owner. She only carried those traditional hair sticks in a glass case. I hope she still runs the store.
Those flowers are made of white silk. I wore them with red Kimono at a reception party. I was told that wedding day was the last day that I could wear this long-sleeved kimono, called Furisode.
I suddenly remembered that on my wedding my father was still alive and he was nervous to walk the aisle with me. I feel like it was so long ago.
Jun 20, 2009
fall in love with Mr. Herkimer

Can't be, if this is the size of a diamond, I can buy a car.
I found that they are quartz crystals that have acquired their pseudo-name because they are mined primarily in Herkimer County, NY.
They sure look like raw diamonds because they have natural eighteen-sided faceting.
I have been looking at all types of quartz lately. To me, it's a quartz to wear when I smell summer in the air.
Those Hekimar stones are also local grown in NY, I thought I should take it to try to make a sample piece as a local designer.
I am very exited to think of jewelry design with this stone for the next collection. Something raw, something rough, and a bit of romantic sweet.
I am lucky to have this job, I can make myself happy thinking of my work. Arigato!
Jun 19, 2009
cappuccino art one two three..
I am always amazed whenever I stop by a coffee shop in Japan to have a cup of cappuccino. They are called Cappuccino art!
Here are some images that I found.

Here are some images that I found.

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